Sunday, September 26, 2010

But I want it

Oh Sunday....
For me a Sunday afternoon has become a day for deciphering wants from needs.
Sunday ads are the worst. You are content with what you have until you flip through the target ad and see that something is on sale or just too wonderful to pass up. So how wonderful is it really???? And do you already have something that looks really similar or provides the same function? I find myself in battle: want vs. need. Somehow I always realize that what I am desiring is a want, and whether or not I treat it as a need is another story.

So the best way to avoid the want syndrome....
-DON'T look at the sunday ads
-DON'T open up emails from clothing stores about sales (you end up spending more than you planned and buy things that weren't even on sale)
-Be content with what you have and make the most of it.

Well today I fell in the trap of the Sunday want syndrome....but at least I didn't buy anything.

Here are some of the things I came across during my online window shopping session:

Old Navy (always tempting...I love their clothes way too much)


Mod Cloth
 (I probably look at this cite on a daily basis...but i have never bought anything from it is a safe want

Good luck avoiding the Sunday want syndrome....I know I'll need it for the weeks and months to come.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Well its about time

Sometime last month I had mentioned that the new Fall fashion InStyle magazine had arrived. Since then another issue has been delivered to my house. It reminded me of how I never talked about the new styles for fall. (I suppose I could say I was waiting for it to officially be fall, but that would be a lie) Well now its time to actually do something with it. 


Well much to my surprise in this months issue of InStyle magazine were two familiar faces. Of course I don't know them on a personal level, but they bring to life characters of a favorite that i had been featuring in previous posts. It was Cory Monteith and Dianna Agron (they play finn and quinn). I knew glee would have a way of sneaking back in.

Dianna was featured in the beauty section (hair and makeup)

Apparently you can also find out 5 things you didn't know about her.
Im pretty sure there are a lot more than 5 things i don't know,
esp. since I know very little about her.

Close Call
This week kohls was having a sale that my mom went to. She was able to earn $30 back from her purchases.(yay for sort of free money) So you save money by spending money, and then they give you an extra $3o to spend the next day.... gotta love it. Anyways my mom was able to get some cute clothes (and i can borrow some of them!!!!!!). Well with the extra money we went back the next day for some much needed leggings. I picked out gray, black and brown. These will be shared leggings, so technically I still haven't bought any clothes, or have I???? In my head I am still on track. I didn't spend any of my own money and they do not exclusively belong to me. I say it counts as being in the clear, but it was a close call.

In this months issue of InStyle they had a couple of sections on how to re wear clothes, Basically how to make the most of what you have. 
They took 15 key pieces and mixed and matched
them with other items to make 28 different outfits.

I love that they are encouraging people to make the most of their clothes, cause thats what i'm trying to do for myself. Its also fun to see what components they choose to use the most. I suppose if you really want to see how their outfits turned out you will have to go buy the magazine. Now if you want to see how im doing with maximizing my clothes then just keep reading/looking.

I love when they give 3 ideas/ways to wear something. 

I took a dress that was part of two fall trends. 
It is a jewel tone dress that is very minimal-istic.

To change up the look of the dress I added:
1. black boots and a black long sleeve shirt
2.  a jacket that is perfect for fall
3. brown suede boots that have an adorable bow
The elements I used to change up the dress
Another picture of the boots because they are so cute
(if i do say so myself....they cost a pretty penny too)

Last but not least.....Celebrity Inspiration
Jessica Alba sported a striped shirt and bright scarf worn with jeans and flats. I figured I could create a similar look and then transform it for fall. So here it is:
And I am aware that she wore it better.

Summer to Fall

The accessories for the stripes & scarf look

What to look forward to:
Next week will be three ways to wear it, focusing on sweaters

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We're almost there....

Tuesday is less than a week away!!!!!(meaning glee will be back shortly)

So I have covered Rachel Berry, Quinn Fabray, and now it's time for Emma Pillsbury.

What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear?
Her wardrobe consists of a balance between bright and white....this includes: sweaters, skirts, blouses, fabulous shoes, and vintage accessories, (oh don't forget hand sanitizer....that counts as an accessory if you are emma, so she doesn't like germs and is extremely OCD....) 
To me her look is grandma meets librarian meets secretary...and I mean this in the best way possible. I love Emma's clothes.

An assortment of Emma-esque clothes

(frill and bows are an Emma must)

(pencil skirts, bows are an added plus)

(most people probably don't notice, but I do....she wears vintage style shoes!!!!)
The emma-eque clothes, blouses, skirts, and shoes can all be found on
(Have you noticed I love that site????)

(This is where the grandma style comes in....and it works for her, its amazing)
These accessories were all found on (another favorite site)

Q:What is black, white and red all over?????
A:Emma in this outfit
           (i couldn't resist throwing in a horribly lame apologies) 
Recreated emma look

The elements of the above look

If the teen choice award dress and the glee premiere party dress were to have a baby it would be this:
                        Jayma Mays                                                     Modcloth ($69.99)

Some crossover character sweaters:
                     Emma or Rachel                                           Emma or Quinn

So with these two sweaters we have come full circle with the glee gals.
With that.....lets go back to Rachel....(I bet you thought I was done...hahaha, im not, but almost)

Yellow Version

Lets just look back at what we saw last on glee...The finale:
They didn't win but they were gold in all of our hearts
modcloth (L:$104.99, R:$109.99)

Glee is back tuesday sept. 21 which means my glee anticipation posts are done. But no worries, I'm sure they will find a way back into the blog. 

What's to come:
-my closet: fall fashion clothes
-celebrity inspirations and recreations
-3 ways to wear it

Ok now im done.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Forget the ford focus, its all about the Glee Focus

September 21 is getting closer day by day...So its time to reminisce last week and then move on to another fashionable glee character.

So last week was What Would Rachel Berry Wear? and this week I examined my closet and found a RB look within. 
This is a combination of 2 RB looks:
plaid dress and yellow sweater

I did some online searching to recreate this outfit...(I wish I had that can get it on in case you were wondering.)
Episode: Laryngitis
Rachel Singing "The Climb"

Let's move on from plaid and bright colors to a girl who is in touch with her femininity.
She is:
(can you tell i like alliteration...cause i do)
What Would Quinn Fabray(!!!!!!!!!) Wear?
She pairs dresses and sweaters perfectly. Quinn's wardrobe is light and refreshing to look at. (and its my favorite of all the glee girls)

The essence of Quinn

Episode: Throwdown
My version for Quinn's black and white outfit

My version of her sweater and shirt combination

Dianna Agron and how her dress would be translated to be for Quinn

My Quinn Look

Episode: Vitamin D
I couldn't resist involving Rachel Berry again...
she just wants to be in the center of everything...
even Quinn's part of the blog

Please get inspired and start scouring your closet....send me pictures of your glee inspired look.
(I can't post other people's if I don't have any to post)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do military looks and glee have in common?

Nothing, but they are both featured in this post

In the last post I complained about the heat and the lack of inspiration, and made excuses for my cargo shorts. This week I remembered that one of this falls fashion inspirations is military. No need to make excuses anymore...Im embracing a subtle military look (yet making it feminine). 

Lace+Cargos+Sweater=feminine military?
Well I tried..... its not very military, but is comfortable (that should count for something)

Less than 3 Weeks left........

Glee is a few weeks away so why not start getting excited to see what the glee ladies could be wearing. InStyle posted a video on their website on styling Rachel Berry....So Im sure you can guess who Im starting with.

What Would Rachel Berry Wear? (her name is in gold, as in a gold star, for the star that she is)
Her style is corky...feminine...mismatched...sweater filled...and she wears knee highs and loafers...

Rachel's clothes are always fun...or just funny...
Sometimes I watch the show and think, "she looks like a 4-year-old who decided to dress herself"  but she is a star and makes sure she stands out.

These items (all found on mod cloth) focus on her sweaters/jackets and dresses:

What thought bubbles appear when you think of Rachel Berry's clothes/fahion sense?
Post a comment....
send a picture of a rachel inspired look...
who do you want to see next?